UITooltip Theming Parameters

The UIToolTip theming block id is 'tool_tip'.


UITooltip accepts the following miscellaneous parameters in a 'misc' block:

  • "rect_width" - The width of the rectangle around the tool tip in pixels, including any shadows or borders. The height is determined dynamically.


The UIToolTip contains a UITextBox so you can use the block ID 'tool_tip.text_box' to start styling it.

There is more information on theming the text box at UITextBox Theming Parameters.


Here is an example of a tool tip block in a JSON theme file, using parameters from the text box element.

 1 {
 2     "tool_tip":
 3     {
 4         "misc":
 5         {
 6            "rect_width": "170"
 7         }
 8     },
 9     "tool_tip.text_box":
10     {
11         "colours":
12         {
13             "dark_bg":"#505050",
14             "normal_border": "#FFFFFF"
15         },
17         "misc":
18         {
19             "border_width": "2",
20             "padding": "5,5"
21         }
22     }
23 }