UIDropDownMenu Theming Parameters

The UIDropDownMenu theming block id is 'drop_down_menu'.



A diagram of which part of the element is themed by which colour parameter. In the drop down menu it will only be possible to see the 'dark_bg' themed regions when the buttons in the menu are themed to be transparent, or semi transparent themselves.

UIDropDownMenu makes use of these colour parameters in a 'colours' block. All of these colours can also be a colour gradient:

  • "dark_bg" - The background colour/gradient of the drop down menu. Probably not visible.

  • "normal_border" - The border colour/gradient of the drop down menu.

  • "disabled_dark_bg" - The colour/gradient of the menu background when disabled.

  • "disabled_border" - The border colour/gradient of the menu when disabled.


UIDropDownMenu accepts the following miscellaneous parameters in a 'misc' block:

  • "shape" - Can be one of 'rectangle' or 'rounded_rectangle'. Different shapes for this UI element.

  • "shape_corner_radius" - Only used if our shape is 'rounded_rectangle'. It sets the radius, or radii, used for the rounded corners. Use a single integer to set all corners to the same radius, or four integers separated by commas to set each corner individually.

  • "expand_direction" - Can be set to 'up' or 'down'. Defaults to 'down'. Changing this parameter will change the direction that the menu will expand away from the initial starting point.

  • "border_width" - the width in pixels of the border around the drop down menu. Defaults to "1".

  • "shadow_width" - the width in pixels of the shadow behind the button. Defaults to "1".

  • "open_button_width" - the width of the open/close button on the right hand side of the drop down. Defaults to "20" (pixels). Set it to "0" to remove the open/close button.

  • "tool_tip_delay" - time in seconds before the button's tool tip (if it has one) will appear. Default is "1.0".


You can reference all of the buttons that are sub elements of the drop down menu with a theming block id of 'drop_down_menu.button'. You can also reference the buttons individually by adding their object IDs:

  • 'drop_down_menu.#expand_button'

  • 'drop_down_menu.#selected_option'

There is a also a selection list that manages the options when the drop down is expanded, you can reference that with:

  • 'drop_down_menu.#drop_down_options_list'

Or the individual option buttons with:

  • 'drop_down_menu.#drop_down_options_list.button'

There is more information on theming buttons at UIButton Theming Parameters and selection lists at :ref: theme-selection-list.


Here is an example of a drop down menu block in a JSON theme file, using the parameters described above (and a couple from UIButton).

 1 {
 2     "drop_down_menu":
 3     {
 4         "misc":
 5         {
 6             "expand_direction": "down"
 7         },
 9         "colours":
10         {
11             "normal_bg": "#25292e",
12             "hovered_bg": "#35393e"
13         }
14     },
15     "drop_down_menu.#selected_option":
16     {
17         "misc":
18         {
19            "border_width": "1",
20            "open_button_width": "10"
21         }
22     }
23 }