UIHorizontalSlider Theming Parameters

The UIHorizontalSlider theming block id is 'horizontal_slider'.



A diagram of which part of the element is themed by which colour parameter. The slider's buttons are themed in a separate block.

UIHorizontalSlider makes use of these colour parameters in a 'colours' block. All of these colours can also be a colour gradient:

  • "dark_bg" - The background colour/gradient of the 'back' of the slider, the colour of the track that the sliding part moves along.

  • "normal_border" - The border colour/gradient of the slider.

  • "disabled_dark_bg" - The colour/gradient of the track when disabled.

  • "disabled_border" - The border colour/gradient of the slider when disabled.


UIHorizontalSlider accepts the following miscellaneous parameters in a 'misc' block:

  • "shape" - Can be one of 'rectangle' or 'rounded_rectangle'. Different shapes for this UI element.

  • "shape_corner_radius" - Only used if our shape is 'rounded_rectangle'. It sets the radius, or radii, used for the rounded corners. Use a single integer to set all corners to the same radius, or four integers separated by commas to set each corner individually.

  • "border_width" - the width in pixels of the border around the slider. Defaults to 1.

  • "shadow_width" - the width in pixels of the shadow behind the slider. Defaults to 1.

  • "enable_arrow_buttons" - Enables or disables the arrow buttons for the slider. "1" is enabled, "0" is disabled. Defaults to "1".

  • "sliding_button_width" - Sets the width of the sliding button. Defaults to "20".

  • "tool_tip_delay" - time in seconds before the button's tool tip (if it has one) will appear. Default is "1.0".


You can reference all of the buttons that are sub elements of the slider with a theming block id of 'horizontal_slider.button'. You can reference both of the arrow buttons with the class_id: '@arrow_button'. You can also reference the buttons individually by adding their object IDs:

  • 'horizontal_slider.#left_button'

  • 'horizontal_slider.#right_button'

  • 'horizontal_slider.#sliding_button'

There is more information on theming buttons at UIButton Theming Parameters.


Here is an example of a horizontal slider block in a JSON theme file, using the parameters described above (and some from UIButton).

 1 {
 2     "horizontal_slider":
 3     {
 4         "colours":
 5         {
 6             "normal_bg": "#25292e",
 7             "hovered_bg": "#35393e",
 8             "disabled_bg": "#25292e",
 9             "selected_bg": "#25292e",
10             "active_bg": "#193784",
11             "dark_bg": "#15191e,#202020,0",
12             "normal_text": "#c5cbd8",
13             "hovered_text": "#FFFFFF",
14             "selected_text": "#FFFFFF",
15             "disabled_text": "#6d736f"
16         },
17         "misc":
18         {
19            "shape": "rectangle",
20            "enable_arrow_buttons": "0",
21            "sliding_button_width": "15"
22         }
23     },
24     "horizontal_slider.button":
25     {
26         "misc":
27         {
28            "border_width": "1"
29         }
30     },
31     "horizontal_slider.#sliding_button":
32     {
33         "colours":
34         {
35            "normal_bg": "#FF0000"
36         }
37     }
38 }